Category Archives: Testimonial

Jun 22

Category: Cancer Testimonial 

Prostate Cancer Treatment Success

This man has been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer that has spread to bones. He was bed ridden and miserable. In this cancer treatment testimonial he feels he has made the change to “living instead of just existing” and he feels much better. (more…)

Own My Health

Jun 13
Jun 01

Category: Shingles Skin Testimonial 

Shingles Virus Testimonial #45

Shingles virus recovery for this lady. Treatments given were high does Vitamin C IV treatments, and Major Autohemotherapy, a German treatment. (more…)

Own My Health

Jun 01

Category: Digestive System Pain Testimonial 

GI System Testimonial #42

Here is a GI System Testimonial. Patient was able to eliminate prescription meds and after over 20 years of suffering. (more…)

Own My Health

Jun 01
May 04

Category: Anxiety Pain Testimonial 

Severe Fatigue Treatment

Coreen had been to many doctors and specialist and could not relieve symptoms. Within two weeks patient has made extreme improvements. (more…)

Own My Health

May 04
Feb 16

Category: Lyme Disease Testimonial 

Lyme Disease Testimonial #37

100% better from Lyme Disease. Some of the treatments given were neural therapy, and vitamin infusion therapy. (more…)

Own My Health